I have a bottle at home just in case.
It's very popular medicine, you can cure serious illnesses without operation. You can buy it in Russia.
But you need to know patent has been created for animals, so you can find it in store for animals only. Also that medicine smells very bad. You have to drink after it like cranberry juice or other strong juice. But health is very important. So you have to be brave to stay alive or keep your animals alive. If you need help let me know, will happy to help. Call me. Thanks.
On April, 14th, 1959 the information on АСД Ф-1 has been coded by the special order.
In XIII - XV centuries in Russia such a liquid worth its weight in gold. In Europe, it was called the elixir of life, t. To. She saved many peoples from extinction during the numerous epidemics. But the war in Russia and the Inquisition in the West destroyed the ancient knowledge!
On the "liquid sorcerers" have survived only a legend. But the road, contrary to general scientific skepticism believe in them and recreated medicine based on ancient recipes. So there was a drug that was not equal, and perhaps not so far.
AV way to create a so-called "biological bomb" - ASD F-1. A minuscule of this substance were treated virtually all diseases, except those that are treated only by surgery. With it could to stop the release of 75 to 90% of all existing drugs! platoon of soldiers guarding Dorogova and his laboratory tissue therapy, where top secret (known only to Stalin and Beria L. P) was made ASD F-1. (... it is important to state biosyrya slaughter. As he used it live and additives jellyfish in creating ASD F-1 (see. "Top Secret", 3/91, p.2). (.. In ASD formed bioelectromagnetic field (from the DNA molecules and their fragments, etc.), which helps to eliminate possible "energy hole" on the patient and reduce the harmful effects on people geopathic zones). When you exit all laboratory staff searched to prevent the removal of unauthorized drug.
Oppressed secrecy regime in 1953 Dorogov sent a letter to the Minister of Health A. Tretyakov serving openly teach his method of tissue therapy and doctors to create for this specialized clinic.
But pioneering scientist received oral refusal. Until now, much remains unclear in the fate of the inventor and his preparation. Suddenly begins prosecutor prosecution, under the pretext of illegal medical practice, dismissal Dorogova VIEV and closing of the laboratory he headed tissue therapy. It all ended October 8, 1957 g, the tragic death of Alexei Vlasovich near his home ... (found in the morning dead in "Red Corner" of carbon monoxide poisoning).
Special order 14 April 1959 all the information on ASD F-1 was classified.
And now what? Over 50 years of preparation ASD exist after the death of its creator. There is quiet. It as not. In medicine, the use of the SDA is not encouraged, but the categorical requirements of the patient, and is not prohibited. Most doctors about it have not even heard. Lost a lot of methods of application of ASD F-2 and F-3 SDA to treat people lost technology of creating the same "biological bomb" - ASD F-1. Armavir Biofabrika produces only 2w and the third fraction of the drug. And then, for the needs of veterinary medicine. Advanced doctors use at your own risk ASD F-2 in his medical practice, seen in a wide range of application. Such complex in the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, asthma and tuberculosis, breast fibroids and amenable to successful correction with "living water" Professor Dorogova. When used properly, the SDA is fixed normalization of the nervous and endocrine systems, persistent increase in nonspecific immunity and sexual activity, normalization of metabolism. It reduces obesity, eliminates sexual disorders, improves the condition of diabetics.
Is this drug does not deserve to expand its official application?
Recently, in one of the archives of the NKVD was found a memo from LP Beria to Stalin. It reads:
"... Due to the fact that the official medical use of the drug invented by Professor AV Dorogov inevitably
- Will reduce the duration of treatment of most diseases, and as a consequence, to reduce the number of staff and a reduction of the industrial production of many medicines;
- Increase the average life expectancy of disabled people in the USSR 15-20 years, which will lead to unreasonable burden on the pensions and housing,
I propose to transfer drugs ASD F-1, F-2 ASD and ASD F-3 in the category of veterinary ... "
And the resolution of Stalin: "APPROVED"
The revival of the medicine ASD-2
Most long-term work done by OOO "Areal-Medical" in cooperation with the followers of the case Dorogova, namely his daughter Dorogova OA and his wife Deryabina ZI This made it possible to restore the original quality of the SDA.
Requirements for the quality of the drug have been substantiated AVNikolaev and ZI Deryabina, which has also been found that the chemical point of view, the preparation is a complex mixture of inorganic nitrogenous substances (15%) in the form of ammonium salts and organic substances, among which were identified primary and secondary amines, carboxylic acids, fatty amides and ammonium salts, choline esters of carboxylic acids. It was also shown that the chemical composition of the drug is dependent primarily on the quality of raw materials - Meat and bone meal, which must contain at least 50% protein and 12-15% lipids ...
For the first time at the present level studied the biological properties of the drug and determine the chemical composition of its organic compounds - 5 main groups that provide for its preventive and therapeutic effect. These active ingredients are determined by NMR - spectrometry for each production batch and specified in the Quality Certificate. Replace the outdated technical documentation developed new specifications (TU 9336-003-54935098-02) and instructions for use. The firm "Areal Medical" established industrial production of the drug on modern equipment manufactured on a special project.
Use only a raw material of animal origin with a protein content of more than 60%, whereby the preparation contains a high percentage of active ingredients. A high degree of purification warrants ballast toxic substances (in particular the free ammonia) and improved organoleptic properties.
Currently (2004) continues to be a pressing task to develop sound methods for determination of quality of preparation ASD-2, which is a fraction of the water condensate thermal decomposition products of meat and bone meal, and is widely used in veterinary practice ...
Share ASD, his fate and how he is in demand now, we have asked the person working directly with ASD over 30 years, daughter of the inventor, PhD, a physician-immunologist Olga Alekseevnu Dorogova.
- How did the production? - Initially, preparation is made in small quantities in the laboratory father. Since 1953 has been adjusted industrial production in the factory himikofarmatsevticheskom "quinacrine." Since 1955, produced at Gusev kreolinovom factory. In 1965, production was transferred Kashintsevskoy and Armavir biofactories.
- Recently, a preparation ASD company - LLC "Areal Medical", and why your name is associated with it? Armavir Biofabrika until recently was the sole manufacturer of the medicine ASD. However, from one year to the quality of the drug produced steadily declining. There have been numerous complaints about the quality of the drug. Most likely, this is due to violation of production technology and the use of cheap, poor-quality raw materials Specifications and quality control methods obsolete. Besides, I was strongly disagrees with the fact that Armavir Biofabrika for the production of the medicine ASD uses vegetable protein from grains and beans. This is not the SDA and SDA mixture and liquid Mitroshina obtained by thermal treatment of meat and bone meal and grain. In this connection there was a need for a drug ASD, corresponding to the requirements that once the requirements of the author, my father.Seven years continued active collaboration between myself and the specialists of "Areal Medical", namely, with professionals of high-temperature pyrolysis, biochemists, engineers and practitioners in human and veterinary medicine. Get your hands on the first samples of the drug produced by LLC "Areal Medical", my mother and I were very pleased by the result of many years of work on the revival of the medicine ASD. A special thanks goes to Kiryutkinu Grigory and Deryabina Zoya Ivanovna (my wife and colleague of his father, who worked from the time of study and obtain the drug) - those people who have devoted most of his life working with ASD.
- As I understand it, the task was to revive the former quality of the drug. So what has been achieved? - This huge work culminated in the establishment of new production. Developed and approved new technical conditions, modern methods of quality control, carried out in-depth studies of the drug and determined the chemical composition of its active ingredients. Years of work achieved by the creation of quality products, the corresponding prototype. Get your hands on the first bubble, I was very pleased, because it corresponded to the SDA, which I knew since childhood.
- So, as this drug consumer can be sure? - Of course, because the production of ASD 000 "Areal Medical" uses only high-quality raw materials of animal origin. conformity GOST. The additional purification frees preparation of ammonia and acids that can cause inflammation and even necrosis.
- Are there any other products based on the SDA? - Yes, already established and widely used series of gel creams and balms target "Isadora" for the treatment and prevention of dermatitis and dermatosis of various etiologies.
- Many people themselves are treated preparation ASD. Find online recommendations, how many drops to drink at those or other illnesses. How do you feel about that? - How to enormous trouble, because it is necessary to select each individual scheme, rather than just taking 10 drops SDA 2 times a day.ASD is almost always helps. He is non-toxic, and is unlikely to bring harm. But to evaluate the patient's condition, pick up his treatment must still knowledgeable doctor. Then the effect will not be 10 percent, and the highest possible. In 2000, I patented the mechanism of action of the drug ASD and their methods of treatment. Already established its production. The third faction ASD (for external use) again received pharmacological article and is widely used in medicine.
- And the second - those drops that are inside? While the lists do not appear? - Not yet, they are officially allowed only in veterinary medicine. And this is my biggest concern today - to restore pharmaceutical articles. After receiving it I could teach doctors how to treat people ASD. Wishing much, experts know the drug, see the effect of it and use it.
- So, as this drug consumer can be sure? - Of course! Because in the production of ASD-2F company LLC "Areal Medical" uses only high-quality raw materials of animal origin, corresponds to GOST. In this setting to obtain the medicine ASD is made on a special project, the principle of which was opened and saved his father.
- What do you wish for drug users - ASD? - Buy preparation ASD -2F company "Areal Medical" - a quality product, where the identity of the drug is determined with high confidence, using modern methods. Preparation ASD-2F produced by "Areal Medical" when properly used is non-toxic, has no contraindications, does not cause complications, it can be used with other drugs. This drug is, in my opinion, is the most high-quality and effective means.Dear to me my father's name, and I am happy that finally a decent drug encompass not only his name but also correspond to the quality, composition and effectiveness to which he had so long sought. Yes, I also want to draw the attention of buyers for the novelty, more convenient to use and compact packaging of 20ml., Issued jointly Ltd. "Areal Medical" and OOO "NEC Agrovetzaschita C-P".
And the last thing I want to say: "Beware of fakes, do not buy the drug in questionable companies, require a certificate of compliance, the only way you can get certified and quality products."
Many respected medical institutions tried ASD and made their conclusions. Here are some of them:
- According to the Department of the Office of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin preparation ASD were treated 69 people. Among them: a skin disease - 30 people with cardiovascular hypertension - 13 people, jade and neuralgia - 6 people with chronic pulpitis and peritonitis - 24 people. In all cases there was a significant improvement in the condition of patients and clinical cure - 56 people.
- The clinic 1st house of the armed forces of the Ministry of the drug were treated 23 people, including sustained improvement was present in 10, 10 recovered.
- According to the clinic sanatorium Centrosoyuz: preparation ASD was applied in dental practice in 693 patients with various types of people stomatolingiantami, salivary gland inflammation, osteomyelitis, etc. Recovered 436 people, has significantly improved the state - from 155 people.
- In the Central Hospital of the MGB of the 15 cases there was a recovery in 11.
- In the Ministry of Health clinic №1 of 8 cases of improvement in 5.
- In Zagorodskikh clinic were treated 12 people, with all the 12 cases of leprosy there was a significant improvement.
The value of the drug certified director of the Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Petrov (professional treatment of eczema). Director of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the USSR Ministry of Health Beloshapka said: "The Institute for a year to use the drug for the treatment of ASD cancer patients with a favorable outcome for some."
Nicholas Ring. ASD-2. Treatment of impotence, cancer, and other gynecological diseases.
In this book, the author tried to collect all the accumulated long-term practice methods of treatment of impotence, prostatitis, cancer, gynecological and STI, as well as other diseases. The main drug used by the author - ASD fraction 2. We also consider the use of complex techniques ASD-2 in conjunction with other drugs of folk and official medicine. From myself, I note that drinking ASD-2 can be and in case of complaints of unknown origin, as well as at the beginning of the cold or flu. I myself several times saved a few drops of ASD, adopted at night, when they begin to cough or throat, attack rates, and the next day was scheduled any event that it was impossible to miss. Also helps ASD on various feasts - a couple of drops (dose adjusted individually feels) a quarter cup of water for 3-4 hours before the feast - and in either eye even after a couple of bottles of spirits.
Of all created by our scientists immunostimulants better fate got the drug ASD-2, but not its author. Preparation ASD fraction 2, is used to treat internal tumors, but simply ASD - exterior. The production of these drugs has been mastered industry in Ukraine and Russia - in the city of Armavir. These drugs are officially approved for use in veterinary medicine. But they are sold in pharmacies, and people use them for their own treatment.
When lubricating agent ASD outer tumor it burn husks and pieces. For internal use ASD is not recommended. But the known case when not finding anything but the SDA, got rid of the cancer patients of lung cancer, using this medication with milk. He walked in the rise to 15 drops and vice versa. Milk itself is not restricted to not destroy the stomach wall.
ASD-2 - the best remedy for chlamydia and lung cancer, the treatment of leukemia in children, and is also used in cancer of the liver and pancreas. During treatment requires necessarily excluded from the diet of meat and prevent drug overdoses; and its accumulation in the body. With the accumulation of venom (metabolic products) will aversion to the drug, then you have to get a minimum number of drops to clear, and then gradually go to the previous level.
A 4-Dorogov recommended single dose of the drug. He recommended an 8 ,. 12, 16 and 20 hours of the day for the patient to take medications 5 drops for 5 days. Then, to increase the reception 10 drops. And so, increasing every 5 days, 5 drops, bring a dose of 50 drops, which take until recovery.
But for debilitated patients recommended softer mode. For the first time at 8 am the person must be 100 grams of water to drink just one drop of ASD-2.The next day - 2 drops of medication. And so, increasing the dose of one drop on the 25th day of treatment, the patient will have to take medication the morning of 25 drops in a glass of water. Begins from the 26th day the patient receives the drug has 4 times a day, at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours to 15 drops per once. After five days, 4 single dose will remain, but the dose will be 20 drops for the reception, even after 5 days dose increase to 25 drops, and after another 5 days - up to 30 drops per reception. Such a regime should be maintained until recovery.
Preparation ASD-2 is quite effective in the treatment of leukemia in children. It quickly restores blood formula in children that misleads parents and doctors, and they stop treatment. After that, the disease recurs. Treatment of leukemia, as well as any other cancer - a long process. After all, in leukemia struck not only blood, but the blood vessel wall. When treatment is necessary to destroy parasites excrete toxins and restore blood count and normal activity of all organs.
According to Professor Aleutian drug Dorogova ASD-2 has the following pharmacological properties:
- Antibacterial effect, while stimulating the cells of the 1st series of the immune system, improves nutrition and tissue exchange;
- has a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous system, increases the overall tone of the body guard;
- eliminate acidity (atsetoz), almost inevitable in most pathological processes
- removes intoxication.
- has a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous system, increases the overall tone of the body guard;
- eliminate acidity (atsetoz), almost inevitable in most pathological processes
- removes intoxication.
It is assumed that the effect of the drug is also realized through neurohumoral and endocrine function. ASD - 2 reduces the devastating effects of stress, activates the energy metabolism and oxidative processes, normalizes the activity of cell membranes and tissue nutrition, has potent anti-inflammatory effect. Antibacterial and antiviral activity of the drug due to nitrogenous substances that are formed during high-temperature sublimation of meat and bone meal.
According to research by Professor Aleutian, ASD - 2 practically nontoxic, has no serious contraindications, has no cumulative effect. It can be easily combined with other methods and means of influence on the patient's body, from the traditional to narodnyh.V due to the fact that the accumulation and toxicity (even after long months-long reception, of course, with a few interruptions) in the treatment of patients with drug ASD-2 does not occur, indications for the drug is quite wide.
Admission fraction ASD-2 can be combined with multi-component herbal remedies (water and vodka infusions), combined with the potent herbs - hemlock, aconite, fly agaric. In this case, under the supervision of an experienced physician oncologist fitoterapevta!
In folk medicine, homeopaths and herbalists doctors use ASD-2 primarily for the treatment of many cancer malignant diseases - lung cancer, stomach, kidney, liver, mammary, uterine body, and some others. According to Professor Aleutian, encouraging results have been obtained in the treatment of Cancer Blood and lymphatic system (leukemia, lymphoma). Professor believes that fraction ASD - 2 (purified) can be used in the treatment of benign tumors - fibroadenomatosis mammary, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, prostate adenoma, nodular goiter, polyps of the stomach and bowel, ovarian cysts, kidney, liver, and a number of al. tumors.
Therapy should be integrated - with ASD -2 used simultaneously herbal medicinal herbs from 15-20 in the form of aqueous infusions and 40% of alcoholic liquors, as well as on the testimony - anticancer herbs - hemlock, aconite, and others. As for the cancer patient, herbal - multi-plant fees and herbs - should be individualized to provide multi-therapeutic effects on the cancer patient: krovoochischayuschy, lymphatic drainage, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, adaptogenic, etc.
In addition, patients with cancer fitosbory will shoot intoxication arrest urological, dyspeptic syndromes and syndrome of respiratory disorders, to some extent, reduce pain, improve quality of life. It is important to remember oncologists, Naturopaths, that during the course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy with cancer should be taken only fitosbory and herbs with krovoochischayuschim, hematopoietic, detoxification and immunomodulatory effects. It is impossible at this time to drink ASD, hemlock, mushroom and others. Potent herbs! Against the background of the above listed fees herbs herbal medicine courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are with fewer side effects.
The treatment regimen ASD - 2 (purified): start with 1-2 cap. 2-3 times a day 1 hour after the food drip into the milk or yogurt, good tolerability - water.Daily increase by 1-2 cap. and bring to a 10-40 cap. 2-3 times per day. Then drink 10-40 cap. 2-3 times a day with yogurt or milk 1 - 3 months, individually possible.
Another option is to start receiving ASD-2 with 1 cap. 3 times a day, every day increased by 1 cap. and bring to 40 the cap. 3 times a day, then go gradually reduce to 1 cap. The variant short (drums) courses with a short break, but long-term use. Control doctor - oncologist mandatory!
In each case, there should be a special variant receiving ASD-2, which undergoes changes in the course of treatment with herbs. Dogma in the treatment can not be! It all depends on the professionalism oncologist - fitoterapevta, his clinical judgment and experience. The author strongly opposed when potent herbs and animal products are trying to cure cancer patients of different spices from medicine and healers who do not have medical education and do not represent the processes occurring in the complex human body. Nothing but great harm in this case will not be!
Contraindications - an exacerbation of peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, ulcerative colitis, severe renal impairment (chronic renal failure, glomerular nephritis in a serious stage), hepato-biliary system (active cirrhosis, liver), pregnancy, hypersensitivity.
Continuation of the work Dorogova in our time engaged in E. Alexander Gurov, Vologda veterinarian. But health officials relate to the invention Dorogova-Gurov skeptical at best calling ASD conventional immune drugs that increase the body's defenses against disease, including, possibly, cancer.
Gurov is a member of a professional association of medical specialists traditional medicine and healers Russia. Accepted scientific work there for "Antiseptic stimulator Dorogova in oncology", which proved that the SDA is compatible with chemotherapy and radiation therapy and really helps people doomed to regain their lost health. In a scientific paper presents the results of blood tests in different periods of treatment, x-rays, extracts from medical records, doctors' comments.
ASD - ... Its action is based on the theory of morphogenic fields - information that accumulates in the tissues of living for thousands of years. Patient these bonds weaken and crumble, ASD is able to harmonize the human condition.
Today, you can buy the drug in veterinary pharmacies in Russia and Ukraine, in particular:
- Veterinary pharmacy, Medical OOO''Areal '' Address: 117403, Moscow, Vostryakovsky travel, 10B Phone: +7 (495) 7814943
- Pharmacy (Veterinary Department): Odessa, st. Panteleimon (near St Panteleimon Monastery). Manufacturer: Comrade. "Altex" ZAT NVAP "Novogaleschinskaya Biofabrika."
ALTERNATIVES TO THE ASD treatment of cancer patients
In 1989, Tamara Y. Svishcheva proposed, and then experimentally proved that under certain conditions Trichomonas form malignant cells, and other conditions - cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. And in 1997, JM Kolbin and LM Zhuravlev developed a theory on the mechanism of these processes. As a result, cancer patients may be treated. New face turn operation Alexei Dorogova destruction Trichomonas. In the future, they may become even more relevant - see. TY article Fistula "The Many Faces of trichomonas."
(Sodium salt of native DNA isolated from sturgeon milt) preparation of nucleic acids
ASD competition on the effect (not for the price - the price and the effect it apart from the competition) in the treatment of cancer could make native sodium salt of DNA, invented Y. Weinberg (also dead under mysterious circumstances).
Derinat has modulating influence of T- and B-lymphocytes, stimulating reparative and regenerative processes, activates hematopoiesis, reduces toxicity and enhances the action of antibiotics. Immunomodulator that affects cellular and humoral immunity. The drug stimulates reparative processes and hematopoiesis (normalizes the number of granulocytes, lymphocytes, platelets), anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effect, normalizes tissue degenerative changes of vascular origin, has a weakly pronounced anticoagulant effect.
The drug activates antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial immunity ... In gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer marked restorative effect of the drug, the restoration of the mucosa and pronounced immunomodulatory effect, which aims to eliminate infectious factor Helicobacter pylori.
When applied topically Derinat promotes healing of venous ulcers, infected wounds and deep burns. When gangrenous processes under the influence of the drug observed spontaneous sloughing in the lesions (eg, phalanges).
"Derinat has pronounced adaptogenic properties - improves overall health, increases appetite, improves mood, performance, etc ... There is no worse than drugs with similar effect - imunofan, galavit etc. Their patients after treatment I usually recommend imunofan courses 2 - 4 times a year. "- DV Kozlov
Drug for the treatment of cancer and many other diseases is AstroMelanin SP Lyakh
Astromelanin - therapeutic and prophylactic broad spectrum of action and the application for correction of functional, organic, structural and biofield disturbances, which can also be used as a conventional drug, and as the basis of homeopathic remedies, as well as in the original, unparalleled remote melanorefleksoterapii as the owner powerful natural field.
The therapeutic effect astromelanina already identified in oncology, neurology, arthrology and traumatology, gastroenterology, cardiology, gynecology and others. Astromelanin is also an effective means of enhancing brain activity while working in the mode of increased complexity. We apply it as a means of pre-hospital emergency (heart attack, acute toothache, pain in trauma.
Astromelanin - multifunctional tool remote (non-contact) action for the treatment of various functional, organic, structural and pathological field and prepathological conditions such as osteochondrosis, arthritis / arthrosis, radiculitis, various pain syndromes, gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological diseases, stress, immune disorders, psycho-emotional violations and others. The agent is a melanin-product in the form of biomass ("AstroNella") and isolated from the biomass substances ("AstroMelanin") obtained biotechnologically from wild-type strain or mutant 1-365 365 Antarctic black yeast Nadsoniella nigra var. hesuelica.
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ReplyDeleteCan I use this medicine ASD 2 for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. If yes, how to take and in what quantity